The past week has been spent chasing down and fixing bugs and polishing up that which had no polish. We are doing our best to be ready to push for our final review so that we can release next week. The biggest issue we ran into was we had hoped to push the game Friday to catch any final errors we haven't seen; however, we could only push for play test, and not for review. The website told us we could not push until Sunday (marking two weeks from when we pushed for review last time.) We weren't expecting this, as our understanding was we only had to wait one week, not two.
I fixed a pretty major bug causing lag to happen the first time the player jumped, and the first time a player double jumped. The cause was the the audio controller had been written to not pre-load the audio clips, so the Content.Load calls used to retrieve the sound file was loading it mid-game. Tsk tsk.
I also polished up the credits screen. It hadn't been coded to loop around, it had jitters, and I wanted to add our avatars to the screen. I fixed a lot of the code to be dynamic where it was static, which made adding the avatars super easy, whereas it would have been a nightmare with the static code previously there, hardcoding each position for each page. I had to also add a method for transforming positions for the UI x,y coordinate system to the X,Y,Z coordinate system of the camera. I simply find the corners of both, then I can create a translation and scale factor for moving between the two different worlds. This enables the avatar to scroll with the page.
I also made a small little class for getting, saving, and loading our avatar data. Today in class I will have everyone log in so that I can store their data, enabling us to ship our game with our avatars data forever stored. Now the credits screen can have our avatars full of life, sitting next to our names! There may also be cheat codes implemented to become the devs, who knows! :O
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