The first issue I addressed was animations. Our animations have been really glitchy. They would reset halfway through and/or flicker. I finally allocated time to go figure out why. It was a simple fix once the bugs were found (related to a poor implementation of a student last semester of my animation code and some blending animation code from the Microsoft education catalog.) Essentially some animations would be called to play twice or reset mid play-through.
Second I found a profiler to help us identify where our draw and update calls are spending most of their time. It seems pretty solid but has awkward interface controls, so I lightly wrapped the controls to allow us to toggle the display on and off, enabling us to turn it on when we need to check what is going on when we start to see performance hits.
Lastly I worked on some scripts to help convert a level created by one of our artists in Unity to fit the format we have designed to be accepted into our content pipeline. Within a few clicks all of the prefabs become converted to the format now.